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0712 23:09

I'm going to ask Vivo to deep test the consumption of my Android phone in mono phone sim card against the dual sim cards consumption, as the latter (the dual) appears to consume less. I invite you to do the same with the producer of your phone.
KnKn Shop: http://knkn.ooo (delivery by hand, in Bologna)
Just launched gnubook https://gnubook.org an attempt for a social network dedicated to the opensource software. Feel free to contact me for any hint or feedback.
Just launched SqueePF https://github.com/par7133/SqueePF
"Simple programs are usually more reliable, secure, robust and efficient than their complex cousins, and a lot easier to build and to maintain", from Cracking the oyster in Programming pearls
"If you need a little speedup, work at the best level. [...] Before you decide to work at any given level, consider all possible levels and choose the one that delivers the most speedup for the least effort." -- from Programming Pearls
BfcFan today stop to be published. I want to thank all the fans of BFC who followed BfcFan posts expecially from the fareast and the farwest.
https://hop1.eu got a brand new index
https://5mode-foss.eu got a brand new index
Refreshed https://5mode.net

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